Friday, 9 March 2012

One of those nights..

Yeah, its been one of those nights where I can't sleep and I just sit here browsing the internet and thinking about stuff.

But its ok because I've came to realise something - since we've been in the flat its never really felt like home, even after living here for 5 months and picking out where everything goes and designing the rooms I still feel like a stranger. Dean kept saying its because we don't have much stuff etc, but I've just realised why.

When I used to live at home, I always had this big vision of how all the rooms where gonna look, but then when I actually moved out I had this weird sence of being all grown up and I guess i felt that the rooms had to look a certain way. I mean don't get me wrong, the rooms are lovely and its a really nice flat, I'm just starting to feel like its... too normal lol.

My old bedroom was me - you could say it was like a teenagers room, and in some ways it was (e.g teddies on the walls and all of my possessions clustered into a tiny room) but the actual WAY it was - I think thats me.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, my home isn't wacky/flamboyant/gothy enough for me. I feel like a cyber goth stuck on k3! haha basically :P

I need to feel comfortable in my home, and from now on I'm gonna stay in that frame of mind.
I'm not saying I'm gonna go and sell all our stuff and repaint the walls.. jeez, i might not even have a flat in 2 months haha :'|

So yeah, thats was all I came on to post about really.

I'm a complex creature of the night haha - I like metal music, music festivals, gothic and punk clothing, bright colours and black, super cute stuff and band posters, sci fi films, platform boots, anime, gaming, crafting, hair dye, piercings, synthetic dreads and other misc weird stuff. ......I belong in a place with either black or neon walls, so many band posters you don't know where to look, boots and teddies on shelves, deans guitars hanging on the walls, and a gaming control centre in the living room like i've always dreamed of lol with lots and lots of bean bags and a shisha at the ready.

I miss pink hair and dreads :(

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