Thursday, 14 July 2011

My Birthday & Sonisphere

Well, my birthday bbq was brilliant :D Dean sorted out the food as always cause hes the resident bbqer :P and we had looots of drinks :) Lots of people turned up too but it wasn't too crowded like we were worried about. 20 people fit in the bungalow can you believe it!! haha nah we were in the back garden luckily :P LUCKILY the weather was perfect :)

Brilliant night and theres actually still quite alot of alcohol left so might have to do it again :P

Its just a shame my actual birthday didn't follow that pattern :/ Started off by getting some great presents off Dean :) A cat ears hoody and Dance Central xbox Kinect game, however we couldn't use the game because we didn't have a Kinect adapter. Soooo, we went to the Strand to buy a new xbox and trade in our old Elite. The plan for the night was to go to the Cinema and for a meal, with me Dean my mum and whoever else wanted to come, however didn't quite pan out! Dan got arrested for smoking/in possession of weed, and there were random strangers in the house cause the police had left them there (they're Dans friends, but theyr strangers to me). So I spent my birthday waiting in a fucking police station for Dan, and when we does come out, he had the cheek to just grin then walk away and not even say happy birthday or anything, he didn't even say hi.

Me n Dean ended up going for a meal alone anyway without my mum and then went to see Transformers which was good. Just a shame it was overshadowed by all the drama :(

I really don't know whats happened to him lately. In the space of only a month or two, hes been involved with the police on numerous occasions, had fights and lost his gf Mel (which I'm actually quite devastated about - shes so lovely and meeting her was the best thing that ever happened to him) If he carries on like this hes going to lose his job :/

Anywhooooo Sonisphere was awesome :) Bands were excellent and pics to follow! Unfortumately Miread (Jays gf) had toncilitus so couldn't really talk or drink so a mad one was off the menu, but we had a good time anyways :)

Righty, Dean will be home soon :) Oh last but not least, Deans got a job working nights, so we'll be working together :D Most people say they'd hate it, but i think we'll be fine :) We'll be on completely different aisles anyway and the only time we'll see eachother is at breaks or if hes walking past. Plus we'll save on taxis :) yaaaay

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