*Sigh* Well, I've had a good cry today to say the least, now I'm dealing with it.
When I got into work today they had a meeting and announced that they're going to close our Call Centre. "Supposedly" our customers are now shopping online and don't need to call us as much, explain why we never have a break off the phones then please!!
So, I've got 90 days to look for a new job, and time to transfer all my direct debits into my mums name if I cant get one, nice isnt it after nearly 2 years of service.. I'm probably not even going to get redundancy pay. Obviously I'll be trying my hardest to get a new job, but 1000 people have just been layed off in Crosby, so everyone is going to be applying for the same job as me.
LUCKILY, I had a change of heart 3 days ago, I decided I am going to go to Uni. Obviously everyone was given the day off work today, so my mum picked me up and I went down to the Unis to get a Prospectus. God knows what I'm going to do, I'll have a good look through tomorrow when I'm sitting in work refusing to take any calls!!
I suppose from a company perspective I can see why they closed Crosby out of all the Call Centres, but they didn't even give us an inkling we were under threat, just one day KABLAMO.
There goes my holiday which I was going on for my 21st too *Sigh*
What a shit day this has been, I didn't even win the lottery again. Haha funny isnt it, I suppose that was my stupid way of trying to give this situation a silver lining. S'not gonna happen, I feel so insignificant. I knew I was anyway in a Call Centre with 1000 staff, but this just reinforces it.
I'm just so lucky I don't have loads of bills to pay, the only bill I have unpaid is my Littlewoods Staff Account... haha.
Oh well, suppose I'll have to go to sleep now, I'm in work 1.30 till 11pm tomorrow, happy days.
Rei xxx
EDIT 01/02/09: I suppose I best add this in, we found out we're being closed down because of the online success (They don't need us now on the phones). So... In a way I've brought this upon myself, damn my eternal online shopping habits! I bought so many things on the website recently I've kicked myself out of my own job, its just gets better doesnt it lol