Thursday, 3 April 2008

What an awful awful day =’(

Oh my god, this has just been the worst day in ages

First of all, this morning i was getting a taxi to work, and when i went to pay the driver with a £10 note, he was REALLY snotty and went ’got no change’ and i was like, ’no change of a tenner?... i dont think ive got change either’ And he was jst like ’no’.
I wouldnt mind but it only cost 4.40 all he had to do was give me £5 in change, what type of taxi driver doesnt have £5 change?!
So i had to run into work and ask everyone if they had change of £10, and then this lovely receptionist lent me a £5 note to pay him, so i ran back out and he gave me 20P CHANGE!!! He was only waiting less than a minute and he charged me 40p for waiting when it wasnt my fault!!

And then i had to sit on the phones all day taking complaints after complaints when all of their moaning isn’t my fault, putting up with their stupidness, trying to explain to stupid people what ’You dont need to pay for this yet’ means!,
And then to top it off, i had this poor old woman on the phone, born in 1932 so very old, and she was crying to me
She had a call from Debt Collections saying she was going to court for not paying, bt she had made the payment in November but it hadnt gone through. And she was upset because everyone was horrible to her saying its tough they cant help her, so when i advised her what to do after 30mins, she said i’m the nicest person shes spoke to about it and she was like ’oh thank you’ and i felt really sad after that

And then when i come home, im just browing the internet and i go on ebay to find that i’d bidded on an item last month and forgot about it n won, and it’d been so long since i went on ebay that ive got a Unpaid item stike, lost all my feedback priveliges and this man has gave me super bad feedback saying AVOID n stuff. I sent him a message saying im sorry and i completely forgot but now i dont know what to do
And to top it off, i realised i got bad feedback off some guy i bought my mums mothers day present off because i said i didnt think it was real. So now hes said distrusting customer n stuff *sigh*

And i’ve got work 2moro and i dont wanna go in at all Im really really upset about today. I know the stuff thats happened isnt REALLY bad, but its all added up together and made today just super bad.

I can’t wait to see Dean i’m just gonna cuddle up to him n cry my eyes out!

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