Sunday, 26 September 2010

Taras Fancy Dress Party

So last night me and Dean went to Taras 30th fancy dress party as Jack & Sally :) T'was proper boss and we won best costume!! ^_^

We made the Jack Skellington costume our selves over the past week and it worked out being 100% free :D

Here is the album where you can see the process of making it :D

And heres a quick descrption of what we did:
- First we wrapped some clothes up into a big ball then wrapped it up with cling film
- Covered the giant ball in papier mache (about 5-10 layers) & let dry
- Took out the ball of clothes from the inside
- Refilled it with loose socks pyjamas and tshirts
- Papier mached some more layers & dried with hair dryer
- Covered with polyfilla & dried with hair dryer
- Made eyebrow ridges and nose ridge with polyfilla & let dry
- Papier mached over polyfilla & let dry
- Cut out eye holes & covered edges with masking tape
- Filled insides with fabric (then decided it was a bad idea and pulled it all out haha)
- Cut up some foam (leftover from my foam mattress) and glued it inside
- Painted with white emulsion paint (a few layers)
- Whilst head was drying we sewn on a new button to the jacket
- Drawn lines with chalk on jacket then cut up
- Used some old black tights and used masking tape to secure over eye holes
- Used super glue & a hot glue gun to secure around the inside of the eye holes
- Marked with pencil where nose & mouth are going to be
- Used black acrylic paint to paint nose and mouth & let dry
- Drawn white lines over suit with chalk
- Painted over chalk with white fabric paint
- Duct taped 9 video tapes for each foot to make platforms
For bat/bow tie......
- Drawn wings on piece of card
- Drawn bat head on card and cut out both
- Papier mached over both
- Painted with black acrylic paint
- Reinforced bat head with more card
- Cut out bat eyes and painted with glow in the dark paint
- Painted white veins on wings with white acrylic paint
- Glued eyes onto bat with super glue
- With a strip of strong card, super glued both wings and head together
- Super glued a cotton belt onto the back of the strong card
- Glued a strip of strong card over the top of the belt
Voila :)

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