Last time I filled this in was in 2005 haha
Name: Rhiannon aka Rei
Sex: Female
Age: 22
Birthday: 5th July
Place of Birth: Liverpool
Siblings: 1
Parents: Mum and Dad but Dad is non existant :D
Pets: Nemo and Pippin my kitties and Lizzy mine and Deans Fat Tailed African Gecko. They're so cuuuute n_n
Height: 5'10"
Hair Color: Piiiiiiiiink
Eye Color: Greeny/Bluey/Grey (They change depending on the day!)
Eye Color of Choice: Greeeen
Writing Hand: The RIGHT way
Current Residence: Litherland
Nervous Habits: Shaking Leg, Biting Nails, Biting sides of lip
Do you bite your nails?: When I'm nervous yeah
Do you pick your nose?: No, I'm a LAYYYDAYYY
Are you double jointed?: Noooo, I wish haha
Can you roll your tongue?: Yei
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?: Not any more :( I used to be able to though but now I can only just about raise my right eyebrow haha weird
Can you blow smoke rings?: Nope
Can you blow spit bubbles?: Haha I can make bubbles but not blow them away or anything haha
Can you flare your nostrils?: yep
Can you cross your eyes?: yep
Tattoos?: Not yet.. one day.. one day. Hopefully next time I fill this form in I might have one haha
Piercings and where?: WOOO YEAH BOI! :D Ears and Lip!
Do you make your bed daily?: Noooo
Which shoe goes on first?: Whichever I pick up first
Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone?: Probably at Dean at some point lol
On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet?: Maybe a few pennies lol Usually not much
What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: Gummy Bracelets, S.o.p.h.i.e wristband and a festival wristband until they break off usually haha, my black choker and usually my rings but i've taken em off now
What's sexiest on a guy: Black hair, Green eyes, lip piercing, eyebrow piercing, black clothing! (any other colour and its like EEEEEwwww colours! :P haha)
Would you rather be on time and look OK or 10 minutes late and look great?: 10 minutes late OBVIOUSLY, not that I ever think I look great though haha. I usually leave 10 minutes late and look OK haha
Favorite Piece of Clothing: Hmmmm.. Do shoes count? lol Either of my boots, if not then my corsets and DIY tshirts :)
Pajamas: Any long leg ones when I'm sleeping in Deans cause then I can't feel the crumbs haha, orrrr in my house any I have too many lol
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: Ewww who the hell would cut spaghetti please? Swirl obviously.
Have you ever eaten Spam?: Yeah I think so.
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Has to be mint chocolate chip, but tbh I'm not a massive ice cream person
What's your favorite beverage?: Lambriniiiii haha Nah erm.. probablyyyy Earl Grey Tea but I havta be in the mood for it lol
What's your favorite restaurant?: Hmmm McDonalds probs lol, or anywhere that sells Spaghetti Bolognese... no where ever sells it :(
What utensils do you use to eat pizza?: Hands
Do you cook?: Not really... I like baking cakes though! annnnnd Beans on toast haha
How often do you brush your teeth?: Twice a day lol
How often do you shower/bathe?: About 2 or 3 times a week.. you seriously don't need to shower any more times than that... unless... you roll around in mud every day obviously.
How long does your shower last?: Depends if I need to shave or wash my hair, usually between 30mins and an hour
Hair drying method: Let it dry naturally. When I use a hair dryer it goes REALLLLY frizzy
Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair?: Yes lol First time I EVER dyed my hair was a semi permenent wash in Mahogany colour when I was about 11/12 and it didnt really work and I just got very stained in the bath haha, then went permenent black when I was about 12/13, then black and red underneath, black again, and it goes something like this... pink, red, pink, brown turned orange, purple, pink, turquoise and pink underneath, red, pink, brown, black, pink, purple, turquoise, pink and black underneath, pink. And my hair hasn't fell out yet.. score! :D
Do you paint your nails?: yeah.. usually black lol
Do you swear?: fuck no!
Do you ever spit? No I think its disgusting!
Actor/Actress: Morgan Freeman = GOD.
Animal: Cat
Food: Hmmm Roast Dinners, Spaghetti Bolognese, Pasta, Pot Noodle, McDonalds, Salad, KFC
Month: July, December
Day: Saturday
Cartoon: Home Movies, Spongebob SquarePants
Shoe Brand: New Rocks, Demonia, Sella, RocketDog, DMs, DC
Subject in school: My fave was always I.C.T I think and Graphics
Color: Black, Pink, Red, Turquoise, Purple, Green
Sport: Badminton! Ohhh the memories haha and swimming
Body part on you: Eyes
Body part on the opposite/same sex: Eyes, Hair, Hands, Arms
TV show: Star Trek TNG, Star Trek Voyager, House
10 Celebrities You'd Like To Screw: Haha hmmmmm this might take a while... ermmm (in no particular order) ..Bam Margera, Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, Hugh Jackman, Jamie Graham (Sylosis), Robert Pattinson, Tom Cruise, Alexi Laiho, Richard Till and Christopher of Rammstein, Robb Flynn.. ermm I think thats more than 10 but oh well haha Obviously to even stand a chance with me they would need to be taller than me though haha
10 Celebrities You Wish You Looked Like: Hmmm, Gwen Stefani, Milla Jovovich, Christina Scabbia, Triple Six, Chibi TBM, Project Malice, Christina Aguilera, Liv Tyler, Kate Beckinsale, really can't think of her name grrrrr *insert person I'm thinking of here*
Holiday: Christmassss
Book: What? haha I don't read :P
Vacationing Spot: Dominican Republic, Mmmm i wanna be back there now
Thing To Do In The Spring: Clean haha
Thing To Do In The Summer: Festivals!
Thing To Do In The Fall: Kick leaves
Thing To Do In The Winter: Get cozy n_n
Perfume or Cologne: Perfume for me but I love smelling "cologne" haha
Game: Hmmm Runescape! :D
The CD Player: None because I don't have a CD player now haha get with the times! :P Its MP3 player or Spotify nowadays. So... on Spotify.. Sylosis
Ever taken a cab?: Errr yeah lol
Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors?: Yeah haha gotta check that I look ok :P
What color is your bedroom?: Red with a black silver n gold glow in the dark border :)
Do you use an alarm clock?: No not unless I need to be up at a certain time
Name one thing you are obsessed with: Make up, shoes, bags, boots, dreads, music
Have you ever skinny-dipped with the opposite sex?: Nooooo
Ever sunbathed nude?: Noooo lol
Window seat or aisle?: Windoowww
What's your sleeping position?: Spooning, or side, and sometimes I lie flat on my back with my arms above my head.. soo comfy.
What kind of bed do you like?: Double beds.. Kingsize beds.. Double Kingsize beds haha
Even in hot weather do you use a blanket?: Yeah!
Do you snore?: Nope not that I know of
Do you sleepwalk?: No, Leah does though! haha
Do you talk in your sleep?: Not often, but sometimes I speak to Dean haha
Do you sleep with a stuffed animals?: Nope, I sleep with either the cats on the bed or dean haha
How about with the light on?: Nope, although sometimes I fall asleep with the lamp on :S
Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on?: Yeah pretty much every night lol
What do you look for in a guy?: I don't look for a guy haha.. but if I was it would be similar personality with similar tastes in things like music, games, style etc
What is the first thing you notice when you look at a guy?: Eyes, hair, smile
What do you think of cheating?: Baaaaaaaad
Tell the truth: Very well...
Coke or Pepsi?: Diet Coke
Oranges or apples?: Oranges
One pillow or two?: 1
Deaf or blind?: Deaf
Pools or hot tubs?: Hot tubs
Blondes or brunettes?: Brunettes
TV or radio?: TV
Beach or pool?: Beach
Tic-Tacs or Certs?: Tic Tacs
Snooze button or jump out of bed?: Snoooooze n_n
Sunrise or Sunset?: Sunrise (Don't get to see it often)
Hamburger or Cheeseburger?: McDoubleCheeeeseburger
Morning or night?: night
Sports or news?: News
Indoors or outdoors?: Indoors
Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?: Day
Cake or ice cream?: cake *yum*
Spicy or Mild?: mild
Spearmint or Peppermint?: spearmint!! every time
Call or Write?: MSN or Text lol
Peanut Butter or Jelly?: Peanut Butter
Hamburger or Hot Dog?: McDoubleCheeeseburger
Dog or Cat?: cat
Bath or shower?: shower
Book or Movie?: Movie
Green or Red apples?: Red
Rain or Snow?: snow
Nike or Adidas?: Meh don't really care haha Adidas i guess
Took a shower?: Yesterday
Watched Bambi: Yeaaars ago lol
Cried?: Hmmm like 2 days ago maybe I can't remember lol
Talked on the phone?: Yesterday
Read a book?: No idea haha yeaaars ago
Punched someone?: Dean yesterday probs lol
Where do you see yourself in ten years?: Hmm, 2020, i'll be 32 *ARGHHHHHH HOW HORRIBLE!!* :(, Well.. hopefully I'll be in a nice house with Dean and maybe 1 or 2 kids and a good job? lol
Who are you going to marry?: Dean lol
How many kids?: 1/2
Your profession: Hmmmm.. Games Designer or programmer or something like that hopefully
Car of Your Dreams: Audi R8 Spyder
I wanna live: in the US ♥
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