100 Facts About Me
1. I have 2 beautiful cats, Nemo & Pippin & 1 crazy fish, Wayne.
2. I used to eat flowers
3. My dream job would be anything that is paid well! haha
4. I will never have enough clothes and bags
5. Five is my lucky number
6. I don't Smoke but i have tried it before, its disgusting.
7. Seven is a significant number to me
8. I wish i had the figure to dress how I want
9. I would love to have a Star Trek TNG & Voyager marathon one day..or one week haha.
10. I don't really have anyone I can call a best friend
11. One day I will go to University, when i finally finish the personal statement :(
12. I love Teddy Bears
13. Stereotyping annoys me more than anything
14. By this I mean, Nob Heads who judge you for how you look. Someone very close to me is the worst for this!
15. I like to think I dont care what anyone thinks of me
16. I want a big hairy friend like Chewbacca from Star Wars
17. I wish I could turn back time
18. I've been to so many gigs I've lost count
19. To someone: I forgive you completely for hurting me when we were younger. Maybe you know who you are, maybe you don't.
20. I have something extra special planned for April Fools Day. Its gonna be great =D
21. I am an Atheist. Religion is for losers who are scared to die haha
22. When I was 13 I was determind to be a Witch, and me and my friends tried to make it rain.
23. I've given up KFC and Maccies for lent, but i broke the rules on the first day :S
24. Dean is my first proper long term relationship, and hopefully the last.
25. I want to lose weight so much, I am eating approx 7grams of fat a day, recommended daily amount is 70grams. I don't think im healthy.
26. I'm going on holiday in 5 months and I havent got a passport
27. I love Germans & Russians
28. I want to learn to play the Guitar but never get around to it
29. I want to learn German just so I can tell Rammstein just how much I love them all when I meet them.. haha
30. I love Earl Grey Tea
31. I want someone to say something in particular to me which would make me the happiest person alive ...but they won't.
32. I wish things were the way they used to be
33. I only have myself to blame for the way my life turned out
34. Tom Cruise is my new found celebrity crush, even if he is a weirdo.
35. I want to move out within the next year or 2
36. My favourite type of mint is Spearmint
37. To someone: I am happy with the way things are going, the futures sunny and bright :) I just hope it lasts because I miss you
38. My dad left us to move to Leicester when i was only 4/5
39. I want only 1 child, and for it to be a girl
40. I miss the Cartoon Home Movies and DBZ on Cartoon Network/Toonami
41. I witnessed the worst most disgusting crime of all when I was only 7, and the fucker only got 6 months.
42. My boyfriend claims that he used to stalk me
43. I, on the otherhand, have never stalked anyone
44. I love rainbows
45. I've had every hair colour you can imagine, except rainbow haha. Brown, Pink, Red, Orange, Ginger, Blue, Green, Purple, Plum, Black, even White & Blonde for a short few hours.
46. I only wear silver and white gold. I don't like yellow gold.
47. My eyes used top be bright blue, but have changed to a greeny grey colour
48. I can't believe I'm only at 48.
49. I do not really care for Sports
50. Except most extreme sports and wrestling
51. I'm a trained customer service advisor
52. I've been on the contraceptive pill for approx 7 years.
53. I have an unhealthy obsession with Myspace & Facebook
54. Dean skits me when I take photos of myself.
55. To someone: I hate the way you treat me
56. I am going to a rollerdisco soon, it will be fun fun fun!
57. Me & my friend buried batteries in a plant pot when they died haha
58. We also buried my dead fish in a plant pot, then tried to dig it back up but couldnt find it. We were siiiiick!
59. I can never be bothered to tidy my room, it is ALWAYS a mess
60. The person I have known the longest apart from people in my family is Leah. I've known her for nearly 16/17 years
61. One day I want to dress up as a Banana in Pyjamas for a Fancy Dress Party.
62. One day I would love to be a model in a photoshoot, I'd also love to be the photographer. Hmmmm.. dunno how that'd work lol
63. I wear far to much make up
64. I am exactly 7 months and 12 days older than Dean
65. I can remember my 4th Birthday like it was only a few years ago lol
66. I am obsessed with Spongebob Squarepants
67. I wish i had more va va voom
68. My favourite chocolate biscuit is a Gold Bar *drooooools*
69. I think 69 is a naughty number
70. I only know Dean because he sent me a note through one of my friends with his number on. I didn't even know who he was
71. To someone: You have always been there for me and supported me, thank you so much. I love you loads :)
72. I like using colouring books
73. I love shopping
74. I dont have any tattoos but i want one, I cant just never choose a design.
75. I have my ears pierced, i want my lip done, 3 times.
76. I am a recovered Aichmophobic thanks to the NHS.
77. I have fainted twice in my life, once in The Body Shop in town and once in Cooking lesson when I tasted my friends Scouse, it was hot!!
78. My favourite school subject in High School was I.T GNVQ and Graphic Products (oh the memories)
79. I have decorated my room 4 times, first lilac, then rainbow, then purple, now red :D
80. It is currently 2:14 on 3rd March 2009
81. I need a wee
82. My 2nd life is on Runescape
83. In 8 days I'll have been with Dean for 5 years, I remember our 5 MONTH anniversary like it was yesterday.
84. I like to sleep alot
85. I am in work tomorrow *sigh*
86. I do not believe in Heaven or Hell, however if i had to choose, I would say you would find Heaven and Hell on Earth
87. I hate getting up in the morning
88. I am dreading what my skin will be like when I come back from holiday, I go mega freckly & burnt after 6 days in Donington nevermind 14days in the Carribean! :S
89. I think weed should NOT be legalised. It messes with peoples minds.
90. I am so happy about the Smoking Ban, now they just need to make it completely illegal muwahaha
91. I dream of having a sports car one day
92. I need to learn to drive
93. I have just got rid of an abscess, now I need to get my tooth out :(
94. To someone: I didn't know what to think of you at first, you came along out of nowhere and I felt threatened, but I understand now, and actually I really like you :) Plus, I only have myself to blame and I see that now
95. My favourite fruit is Grapes and Strawberrys
96. I have more Make-up Bags than Make-up lol
98. I got my nickname 'Rei' from Neon Genesis Evangelion, and have since then connected it to Sailor Mars aswell
99. I love lavendar smells! lol random
100. I love strawberry milkshake
Phwar... that took mega ages lol
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