Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Could this possibly be a "good" tuesday?...

Ackkkk Tuesdays suck :/ I'll be happy to get this one over and done with I tells ya that much!!

Gonna pick Dean & Lew up from rehearsals soon though, and then I'm gonna get either a KFC or a Maccies mmm :)

Naughty Rhiannon! Hungry Rhiannon! Unmotivated Rhiannon! Another-depressing-tuesday Rhiannon! :( - Gonna drown away my sorrows and stuff my face with fatty food.

I sure hope Dean stays at mine tonight, but ofcourse he won't.. its a Tuesday and nothing good EVER happens on a tuesday :/

P.S. Sorry if the last post still shows as Webdings, stupid internet doesn't work for me anymore.

1 comment:

  1. Dean did end up stayin the night :) and I ate McDonalds, it was an ok Tuesday


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