Friday, 17 April 2009

Things I want to say to people....

Just some things I want to say to people, but either haven't got the chance, can't bring myself to say it or ... i dunno this just makes it easier lmao. Maybe you'll know its about you, maybe you won't, and maybe most of you won't even read this.

1] I'm sorry for the way things went, I didn't mean to treat you like I did. And I'm sorry I haven't really thought about you lately too, alot has happened the past few weeks. It doesn't mean I didn't love you any less that the others.

2] Please come my way, I want to see you so bad.

3] I am really worried about you, alot is going on at the moment and I don't know how you will cope. I don't want you to hurt yourself or anyone else.

4] Stay strong, I wish I could help but I know I can't.

5] I never meant to hurt you so bad

6] I know we've had our ups and downs, but its time for me to make it up to you because I love you so much, and don't wanna lose touch like we did ever again.

7] To be quite frank, you creep me out. I wish I wasn't such a nice person sometimes because I would severe the connection straight away.

8] I miss you so much already, but I know you knew I was there all that time with you, and I know you would be so grateful aswell. You have been like a father to me, and I sometimes wonder how I will go on without you here.

9] Why do you have to be so horrible sometimes? I know you probably don't like me, but I do try my best.

10] I have grown to really value your friendship, I hope we stay in touch.

11] I don't know why and I know i shouldn't, but I wish we could be friends. We have so much in common. Its such a shame, I don't think it will ever happen.

12] The feeling is mutual, I wish you would speak to me before its too late.

13] Whats your problem? Either say something or fuck off.

14] I love you so much, I know I never say it but I do. I would be lost without you

15] You are my life, and although we argue quite alot, I love you more and more everyday and I don't think you realise it sometimes.

16] You've made a complete mess :(

17] You're a really nice person and I'm proud to finally call you a friend. Oh and I want to thank you for everything you've done for someone very special to me, you're a star

18] Listen boy, you need to stop fucking around, you've got a gem there and I don't think you realise it.

19] I know you can be horid sometimes, but I know you don't mean it. I love ya and I don't think I'd ever be able to say it, I just hope you know I do.

20] You confuse me, do you like me or not? Sometimes I think you do, but then you just act totally different all of a sudden. I don't know whether thats just your way with me or not, arghh confusing! :(

21] I hope we can become closer, I've missed you these past few years. I've made alot of mistakes in the past, and losing you as a close/best friend was one of them.

22] OMG what the hell are you dooooing? You're an adult, take responsibility for your life and what you've created. I don't know whether your having a mental breakdown or are just a bitch, but either way PLEASE get it sorted, if not for your sake but for the people around you.

23] I miss you so much, I was only young when it happened and I didn't realise what it meant at the time. With the passing of Grandad it brought back so many happy memories, which are actually getting me down. I now realise I didn't actually know you that long, but it doesn't change that fact that I love and miss you.

24] I love ya so much, you're so beautiful and intelligent, and I know you will go far when you're older :)

25] To whoever you are, please just get a life and stop sucking other peoples asses for a living.

26] Although I don't know how you feel about me, and to be quite honest I don't think you like me, I do like you and consider you a friend.

27] Haha you're awesome! You're proper funny but you listen too, I think you sum up everything that a person could want in a friend. I'm proud to call you a mate =]

28] I do feel sorry for you, but keep your chin up cause he loves ya he just doesn't show it very well. I don't think he knows how to show his emotions to you

29] To both of you, thank you for everything you've done for me these past few years. I see you as family, and I hope it will stay that way =]

**Can't really think of anymore now.. If i do ill add them lol**

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