ooo ive had a mad day, its been good and bad really. Me and Dean r still the same as ever, we had a bit of a fall out last night, and what do you no, we ended up breaking up. I wont go into details of the fall out n what not, lets just say, we argue far too much and annoy eachother sometimes so much we feel like killing eachother lol.
So yeah, we broke up and spent the day texting eachother, first about why we've broke up, we mainly argued at this point, we then started talking ok, and decided 2 b friends. Then it got to about 10:30 and i get a knock at the door. Dean had spent the day at Seans, and he decided 2 come round 2 mine for a bit. Well, seems we'r so in love we cant help but be apart. He tickled me, and then we kissed.. and then we got back together...
I didnt think i'd get back with him, but its different when they are in your presence. Its the nicest thing ever to have company fromt he one you love, but sometimes you can like it so much u grow to hate the time u spend together. Ive learnt from the ordeal that maybe me and dean see too much of eachother. We enevr have anything left to say to eachother, so we spend the rest of the time arguing. Well i dont no, im just happy he came to my house. If he didnt who knows what i'd be typing write now I love Dean, i never doubted that i never.. i guess i was just confused and angry
Recently ive been trying to organise a trip to Southport Fair, but people keep telling me they'll come then turning me down at the last minute. I guess its not their fault if they have no money, but it makes me feel so unappreciated (if thats the right word to use) Infact, its been getting me down.. that may be one of the reason why i reacted like i did with Dean.
Basically, im dying to go to Southport fair, i love the fair, and its alot nicer if your friends are with you! What i do is ask them, they say yeah but cant on the date ive planned, so ill arrange a new date. Then like 3 days before, they tell us they cant go anymore. Thats happened twice now! I wish people would keep to what they say and be loyal instead of fucking me off just because they have no money. If they doubted they'd have enough money they should tell me straight they cant go, not ask me to make a different date. And if they do have enough money, atleast dont go and spend it after saying you will go.
I know its not their fault, its just fucking annoying. I dont even no if i will be going now, its down to Me, Dean and Sean going. How fun. Me and two best friends, so yeah ok it will be kewl, but i have this problem... i dont like being left out.. and i know it will happen.
*sigh* what can i say?.. you know who your friends are i guess.
Anyway, mum n bro r back off hols 2nite, theyr due back in about an hour or 2. It gonna be strange living with an order-o-tron. After having the week to myself, i odnt know how im going to react to having my mum order me around again. I do things when i please when im on my own, dont get me wrong they do get done.. just in my own time. I must say, i haven't had much of it lately. Ive been busy WASHING MY OWN CLOTHES, doing college work (finally boxed off now ), and if not that ive been doing something to take up my time!
I havent washed the dishes yet.. theres tons of them from when Leah and Dean came round last night I really cant be bothered, i guess my mum can't expect to come home to a sparklingly clean house tho can she? I haven't really had the time to do them, and now im knackered. ill do them tomorow or something *sigh*
Thats all i can be bothered saying, fuck this shit
oo wait one last thing, ive found a new favourite song of the moment. Fear Factory - Descent. Its goooooooooooood.
Rei x p.s... just going to change the colour of the font now... fucking hell ive wrote alot..
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