So after like 3 years ive finally updated my facebook info page lol. Heres my old one for memories sake :P
Rhiannon aka Rei - I'm a geek, a student, and a crazy cat lady :) Love my kitties Nemo & Pippin, I also have a gecko called Lizzy (Dean named her lol) ♥
My BB Pin: 21E31BA80
Well, I've been given many names in my time haha But just to get one thing straight, my birth name is Rhiannon, my online alias is Rei :D
Anywho, I'll tell ya a few variations. Call me whatever you like :P
Rhiannon, Rei, Raz, Rhi, Rhiannononononon, Baby, Bitch, Rainbow Rei, "Gothic Queen" (lmao gotta love teenagers eh), REIndeer, REIning Blood (Slayer wooo), REIge against the machine, Little red REIding hood, REIdundant, Lizard Queen, Reipoo, REIbow, Captain JaneREI, Commander REIker, Chun Rei :D
And the golden oldies: *Girl with the Zippy Bag*, *Girl with the coffin bag*, *the goth of year 9* lol, *the queen on the goths* lmfao it happened.
Trekkie 4 life ♥
Maggot 4 life ♥
COBHC 4 life ♥
Borg Collective 4 life ♥
Geek 4 life ♥
Crazy cat lady 4 life ♥
Goth bitch 4 life ♥
Couch potato 4 life ♥
Ok, Things I love: RAINBOWS!, My lovellyyyy Dean :), My friendypoos [You know who you all are], Family, Make Up, Synthetic & Wool Dreads, Lye Ins, My PC, Runescape, My kitties Nemo & Pippin, My Gecko Lizzy, Music, Gigs, Television such as HOUSE, Lie to me, Coronation Street, Star Trek TNG, Star Trek Voyager, Gigs, Festivals such as Download Festival and Sonisphere, Food, Sleep, Web Designing, Photography, Pixel art, Vector Art, Astrophotography, My Canon 450D, My Telescope, My consoles: [XBOX 360 Elite, Nintendo Wii, SNES, Sega Megadrive II, Gameboy Colour, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Advance SP, N-Gage], ermmmm Facebook :P, Jewelry Making, Beads, Crafting, Money, Camping, Holidays and yeah I could go on and on forever :P
>One day I would like to write 'Hammertime' on a STOP sign :D<