Thursday, 26 January 2012

Quick post

Just a quick post/update :) Everything is great in the flat, its just a case of buying stupid things like bedside tables and curtains - unimportant stuff basically. I'm gonna write a full blog post another day to update on EVERYTHING thats happened since October.

Christmas was really good but weird haha Waking up and seeing Dean straight away was strange for a start, and then getting up and having breakfast and opening presents in our own flat.... just weiiiird haha.

Quick updates anywho ...

I have a hamster, shes called Chewy and her full name is Miss Chewbacca Evans-Carr haha :D
I have a new blackberry - the blackberry torch 9810 .. although my charger just broke GAAAAY
I've restarted my 365 for 2012, probs won't be able to finish it though since the world ends this year EUGH.
Ermmmm.... I'm soon to go Platinum blonde. I wanna do some sort of video diary of the process but we'll see
I'm workin in Asda 4 & 5 days at the moment, hopefully I'll get a proper contract soon :)
Ermmmmm.. Thats it for now