It's time you met the third most important thing in my life other than Dean and my websites.. its my NEOPETS!!
This is Bluewy, the oldest and wisest of my Neopets. He has been almost every neopet species there is, when i first got him he was a Grundo and well.. he was thick, but i have worked on getting his intelligence up and now he is fairly clever which i am happy about Also he is the strongest out of the pets, so he is usually the pet i use in the battledome. One day a random event happened and he was transformed into a baby bori! How cute! ^__^
This is twinklejupiter, and she has been a poogle for aaaaaages! I've been waiting for the perfect paintbrush to come along so I can paint her! ^-^ Being the 2ND oldest, you would expect her to have used the Lab Ray to become the way she is, but in actual fact, i got her colour by using a Magical poogle toy, and she has NEVER been to the lab ray
This is Mimi, she is the youngest of the group. She is the only pet of mine to put her petpet under the petpet lab ray, the others won't do it because of they want to win a trophy for having their pets the longest blah blah. lol
And then we come to poor KaoruNagisa, he is my pet that goes under the lab ray, but unfortunately his look turned the other way round when he was turned into this disgusting Lenny! I don't hate Lennys, they'r cute, but just... no! So i have been desperately trying to change him back to a cutie.. stay tuned lol
Last but not least is the petpets..
Bluewys petpet - Cloudy the Cirrus | TwinkleJupiters petpet - Snuggle Chomp the Snowbunny | Mimis petpet - Woojit the plushie Candychan | KaoruNagisas petpet - Slimy the Slorg |
And that be that.. finito
How you think my Neopets are cute ^___^ i love them so much! I love Neopets all together! Come and join, you will love it too! Just click on this link..