Monday, 26 July 2004

Annoying?.. Oh yessssss!

So ... Let me give you a hint? Try and high light this text.........A-HA you cant. Due to almost everyone stealing... everything.. on Poohead, i think its only fare on me that i disable almost all your rights. Highlighting text has been disabled, on pictures right click has been disabled and the little picture toolbar is also gone. There is only 1 way that you can still steal things and i am trying to find a way to stop that so my mouth is closed for now. Nehu, if you are a friend of mine and i don't mind you using or adopting some of my things, then please contact me and i will send you it personally.
Oh and i have put a Bookmark link on the navigation bar under Poohead if you would like to make Poohead one of your Favourites and if you click on the girl above the navigation bar you can make Poohead your Homepage, great innit! XD
MORE updates, i have fixed the link going to Punk Rock Pizza on the Links Page, I have added sum more FAQs on the Help page, there is a new petition up, and i beg you more than anything PLEASE sign!!! It is to bring back Chris Finch, one of the best actors i have ever seen in ITV history!! and erm... ive forgot the rest... lol how embarrassing!! Its 1:46am! its too late for this, dude! You may notice that Pooheads default font is gradually changing on each page from Arial to Verdana, that is because as i am using 8pt there are more options with this font. Such as i can use bold now, which i cant with 8pt Arial. Weeeheeeeeeeee ^_^
Also just some non-poohead gossip for you now. 2 days ago i confronted my worst fear of all time. Dean and his step dad Paul took me in to hospital with the suspicion that i had appendicitis *EEK!!* well to find out if i did, i had to give blood *ARGHHHHHHH* and yes! i did it! beat my worst ultimate fear i am so happy! i have never been so proud of myself! i did it! However it has just made the fear worse, and i am now scared of hospitals too.... lol oh well.
A bit more good news too, i don't have appendicitis, i have an water infection which has came back with vengeance because I didn't finish my prescribed anti-biotics a couple of months ago >>naughty rei<<

Wednesday, 21 July 2004

100 facts

1. I have this dream to smear one of the rooms in my house completely in Nutella
2. I like to eat flowers
3. My dream job would be either a Dominatrix or a Web Designer
4. Number 4 is mine and Kevzies Va Va Voom
5. Five is my lucky number
6. I don't Smoke but i have tried it before
7. I am an insomniac
8. I think Bam Margera is DROP DEAD GORGEOUS
9. If i could be a creature of Middle Earth (if you know LOTR you know what i mean) I would be an Elf
10. I love my boyfriend, his name is Dean
11. I am just starting College
12. I love Teddy Bears
13. Stereotyping annoys me to fuck
14. By this I mean, Nob Heads who judge you for how you look
15. I dont care what you think or anyone thinks of me
16. I want a big hairy friend like Chewbacca from Star Wars
17. I get verbal abuse almost every time I am in public.
18. I am regularly called a Gothic Slut, A Satanist, and A Witch
19. I may wear slutty/skimpy gothic clothing but i am not a slut
20. I have only ever had 3 boyfriends (1st: David, 2nd: Kento, 3rd and current: Dean)
21. I am an Atheist. I am not Satanic. However i find the beliefs and rituals of Satanism interesting
22. I am not a witch, however i have tried to do witchcraft before
23. One of my favourite meals is Spaghetti Bolognese
24. I like playing Neopets
25. I love Hello Kitty and Afro Ken
26. I want to go on holiday to San Diego and/or New Zealand
27. I used to want to be a DJ
28. I want to learn the Bass Guitar but never get around to it
29. I know all the words and can sing along in time to 'Blink 182 - Party Song'
30. I give a different name to every cup of coffee i drink
31. I have been in love once
32. And i am still in love
33. I am always on MSN Messenger every time i am on the internet, except for when the server is down
34. Every saturday i am usually at a party
35. I plan to get a flat with Leah in the near future
36. My favourite type of mint is Spearmint
37. I think Brad Pitt is sexy in the film Fight Club
38. My dad left us to move to Leicester when i was only 6/7
39. I want only 1 child, and for it to be a girl
40. I miss the Cartoon Home Movies on Cartoon Network
41. I have been to court before for witnessing a crime *eek!*
42. My boyfriend claims that he used to stalk me
43. I, on the otherhand, have never stalked anyone
44. I think Bananas in Pajamas is funky
45. I am completely straight
46. However i have nothing against Homosexuals. Two of my best friends swing the other way!! ^_^
47. My eyes used top be bright blue, but have changed to a greeny grey colour
48. Lemonade makes me hyper
49. I do not really care for Sports
50. Except most extreme sports and wrestling
51. I like to walk my catgirls in leashes and leather
52. One of my favourite hobbies is designing layouts for my website
53. My favourite wrestlers are John Cena ("word life" hehe), Kane, Lita, and The Old Hardy Boys (Oh the memories)
54. My N-Gage Mobile Phone keeps breaking on me
55. My favourite flavour Walkers crisps are Lamb and Mint Sensations and Prawn Cocktail
56. I do not suit tanned skin or light coloured hair
57. I hardly ever wear pants, you will usually find me in skirts
58. I played with Barbie as a child (not like that u sick fuck!)
59. I have a weird obsession with Rainbows
60. The person i have known the longest apart from people in my family is Leah. i have known her for 13years and she is one of my Bestest Friends in the whole world
61. I am on the Pill
62. My favourite colours are Black, Red and Purple.
63. I wear far to much make up
64. I am exactly 7 months and 12 days older than Dean
65. I can remember the day that my little brother was born, i was only 6 years old
66. I couldn't sleep or eat and cried every night when Dean and i broke up
67. The cutest person i know is Nikki. He has a cute laugh and he reminds me of Krillin in Dragon Ball *awwwwwwwwwww*
68. My favourite chocolate biscuit is a Gold Bar *drooooools*
69. I'm a dirty bird :) (69)
70. I got to know Dean and Irish Sarah though txt messages
71. I like to help people create websites of their own ^_^
72. I like using colouring books
73. I want turquoise hair :(
74. I dont have any tattoos but i want one
75. I dont have any piercings... yet
76. My deepest and worst phobia of all time is of needles. I cant even think of them without almost crying
77. I have once had an 'attack/fit' (sort of) from thinking about needles =S
78. My favourite school subject in High School was I.T GNVQ and Graphic Products (oh the memories)
79. I painted my bedroom Dark Purple
80. It is currently 3:29am on the 21st July 2004
81. I want my lip pierced and my tongue pierced (when i get over my fear...)
82. I like the computer games Rollercoaster Tycoon, and SOF2
83. I believe in Life After Death
84. I like to sleep
85. I am usually up until the early hours of the morning
86. I do not believe in Heaven and Hell, however if i had to choose, i would say you would find Heaven and Hell on Earth
87. I do not like getting up in the morning
88. No I'm not saying by that that I dont ever get up
89. I don't do drugs, however i have tried smoking pot...
90. I don't judge those that do tho
91. I want a Silver Porsche Carrera GT
92. I like to party.. it's fun to sit and bullshit with people
93. I have two tooth brushes (dont ask why... i have no idea) One is a Purple Colgate one, and one is a pink hello kitty one
94. My most colourful item of clothing is my Pink Hello Kitty Top
95. My favourite fruit is Grapes and Strawberrys
96. I'm almost done with this! :)
98. I got my nickname 'Rei' from Neon Genesis Evangelion, and have since then connected it to Sailor Mars aswell
99. I think the name Gordon is a fucking funky ass name!!
100. And the best thing about me, I'm pretty easy going :)

Phwar... we've came a long way aint we...

Seven Deadly Sins

.The Seven Deadly Sins.

1. Who did you last get angry with? My Mum
2. What is your weapon of choice? A Whip
3. Would you hit a member of the opp. sex? Hell yeah if i think they deserved it, only male i've ever hit and actually meant it was my little brother (sorry babes) and Kento (meh, he deserved it at the time)
4. How about the same sex? Yes, Leah on many occasions (sorry love!!) Its all in the past though
5. Who was the last person mad at you? probably my Mum
6. What is your main pet peeve? Sarcastic Twats, MoFo Stereotypers
7. Do you let things slide? Definately not

1. What's 1 thing you're supposed to do daily that you haven't done in a long time? Make my bed!
2. What's the latest you've ever woken up? 5pm
3. Name a person you've been meaning to contact, but haven't: Liz, Stacey, Lyndsey
4. What's the last lame excuse you made? My mum won't let me
5. Have you ever watched an informercial all the way through? lol yeah! but they're just so entertaining!! ..lame i know *sigh*
7. How many times did you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock this morning? I don't use an alarm clock - my mum usually wakes me up. I didn't hit her at all.

1. What is your overpriced yuppie beverage of choice? Uhm.. either Cappuccino or Strawberry Milkshake
2. Dark or White meat? White, of course.
3. Have you ever used a professional diet company? Nope
4. Do you have an issue with your weight? Doesn't every girl?
5. Sweets, Salty, or Spicy foods? Sweet ^_^
6. Have you ever had a eating disorder? Nah not that im aware of
7. How much do you consume a day? Oo lets see..... ALOT! lol water... diet coke... grapes... gold bars.. ahh im hungry now!!

1. How many people have seen you naked? LOL a couple..
2. How many people have YOU seen naked? O.o 1 or 2...
3. Have you ever stared at the chest/crotch of a gender of your choice during a normal conversation? Lol yes...
4. Have you done 'it' before? Me? Never! *^_^*
5. What's your fav. body part on a male? Hair and Jaw
6. What's your fav. body part on a female? Eyes
7. Have you ever tested yourself for pregnancy or STD's? LMAO, No need! I'm not a whore!

1. How many credit cards do you own? None.. I'm not 18 yet!
2. What's your guilty pleasure store? McDonalds... Grin... Thorntons
3. If you had ?1 million, what would you do with it? Extreme shopping spree with Leah and Sarah in NYC, Buy my Grandads Land in Ireland, my a fuck off mansion in San Diego and live their with all my family and friends, then put the rest in the bank
4. Would you rather be rich or famous? Rich
5. Would you accept a boring job if it payed megabucks? HELL YES - Money makes the world go round baby!
6. Have you ever stolen anything? Nope never
7. How many MP3's are on your hard drive? Fuck erm... 265 and 37 Albums. Thats NOT including all the ones on my Mums Music Folder

1. One thing you've done that you are most proud of: Uhm Completing my Website i suppose... its my pride and joy ^_^
2. One thing you've done that has made your parents proud: Probs my grades
3. What's one thing you want to accomplish in life? To find true love, have a successful career
4. Do you get annoyed by coming in second place? Of course I do - it isn't first.
5. Have you ever entered a contest of skill knowing you were much higher of skill than all the other competitors? Lol, ofcourse - I'm such a cocky little bitch
6. Have you ever cheated to get a higher score? Lol only when playing monopoly... its a habit ?_?'
7. What'd you do today that your proud of? Watched a horror film... all the way through!!

1. What item (or person) of your friends would you most want to have for your own? Lol I can't say that here!!!
2. Who would you want to go on 'Trading Spaces' with? Leah or Sarah! because we would have so much fucking fun!
3. If you could be anyone else in the world, who would you be? Bam Margeras Girlfriend
4. Have you ever been cheated on? Yes Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr =(
5. Have you ever wished you had a different physical feature? HA! of course I have! but I don't want this to be 'pick my looks apart' day.
6. What inborn trait do you see in others that you wish you had for yourself? The ablility to just blow things off and not take everything so personally.
7. What is your favorite deadly sin? Greed muwahahahaha

Tuesday, 20 July 2004

Weeeee, i have a new website sorta! You can reach it like this: 'Navigation > The Girl > AHEM Excuse me, Who are You?!'
Basically it is to let you all know who I and my friends and family are. Erm my little evaluation, lets see... Layout turned out pretty good. One of the best created so far in my books. All important pages and images uploaded within 2 days which is a personal record of mine. I created little 'emoticons' if thats what you want to call them, of each person on the site. For the faces, i used a base called Spritey from ILCK.

Wednesday, 7 July 2004

Rite ok yer.. so ANOTHER new layout, and this time its after 3 days! Well sorry but its turning in2 a habit, i cant help it =S
Im thinking of doin this thing, wer u can choose which layout you want to view. So then, i'm not wasting ne time or effort because all my layouts are being used XD A gud idea? i hope so
Oh and for those who care, I am now sweet sixteen weeeheeeee ^_^ .. i might make a layout about it (LOL KIDDING!!!) wooph, im pooped. i don't think i'll be doing any layout designing for a couple of days now!! lol Well anyhu, i hope you like the new new new layout lol Its rather kinky ;) hehe

Sunday, 4 July 2004

My 16th birthday eve

Ok, so a new layout is up ALREADY! Simply put, this is because i wasn't happy with the previous one. At first it seemed kewl, but afta a while, i realised i can do MUCH better.
This coffee one isnt much of an improvement, but its a start. I am working on a pop-up layout, and unfortunately these take a while to make as image mapping is required etc blah blah lol. Nehu, i hope you like the new new layout, its a coffee one, so it HAS 2 b loved. I was inspired by Kevzie and his love for coffee.. its so beautiful *wipes tear away from eye*
Before i go... its my birthday 2moro!! Weeeeeeeeeee *^_^* lucky, lucky me!! Sweet Sixteen at last lol

My birthday 'notbrunch'

"Have a drink on me..."

Thursday, 1 July 2004

Finally after a long wait, a new layout is up!! I hope you like it, ive been up all night making it. The time is now 05:17 AM and i am half dead on the pc lol so u better like it or else!! =P

I have went for a more gothic, abstract sorta look now. And isn't that baby absolutely kawaii!!! Lets hope it has a nice stay at Poohead...... NOT!!

Nehu... im so tired... i cant type no longer... Goodbye sweet feckers xxxxx